Monday, June 3, 2013

A talk about fight knowledge and reactions times

Kind of a small, and pictureless update for today, but I feel it's an important one. I am now 4/9 of my Abyssea zone clears. I've been spending most of today in an effort to start leveling a new job (I feel that I need some job variety, and to help fund myself with some gil to buy some WHM pieces.).

But the topic of the Konschtat clear that happened today bring me to something I want to talk about.

SO, there was a shout in Jeuno for Kulkakhan. I needed that clear so I went (as WHM, of course.) I had to kind of hurry to get to the group and when they popped Kulkakhan, I was a little... unprepared, to say the least.

Since I was in a hurry to catch this clear (because I feel I need to get my clears as soon as possible because the Apoc Atma would make Abbyssea a lot easier for me.) I didn't know what this NM could do, and that party just sort of popped him and assumed everything would be fine. But it wasn't because I had never done this NM before.

Kulkakhan has a gaze attack move that inflicts a particular powerful Curse nicknamed "Zombie." by certain wikis. Not only does it function as a normal Curse effect, it has to unique property of cancelling all healing on the affected target, and Kulkakhan also has a potent Enpoison on his melee attacks, making healing hard as it is.

Even WOrse, the same TP move that inflicts the "Zombie" curse, also causes Terror, which means after your NIN or other tank is hit, other party members, usually DD (or god forbid, the mages.) will get hate, cause that potent Enpoision and the Zombie curst to spread even more. Especially if your tank dies because you (as the WHM) failed to get Zombie off of the NIN fast enough to cure.

Even after a figured out what the deal was, I still struggled with this. You see, unlike the relationship between -na spells and other standard status ailiments, Curse can resist Cursna, and IIRC, "Zombie" has a higher resistance rate v.s. Cursna. granted there is "Enhances Cursna Effect" gear that can help, I only own one piece, the Ephedra Ring. So with all this damage flying out on people, and this super curse to deal with and everything, and Kulkakhan running around chasing different people with hate, I really struggled with this fight, especially considering the grellow proc was Light, too. :/ Somehow the rest of the party came through and killed it.

I understand that this is the kinda thing I just have to learn through experience. that I as a WHM should have an encyclopedic knowledge of every NM in the game and what their TP moves do, that I need to be incredibly quick on the draw with ailiment healing, cures, and everything else I need to be doing. But, I find it hard to find a way I can get everything done as quickly enough to matter in a hectic fight like that. I have Macro pallettes for a good majority of my important spells, I can also command-line with spellcast. (Tibs warned me that this isn't the way to go for curing or other important stuff, except for him since he types really fast.)

I have to come up with a way to play faster, though. Perhaps I just need to completely overhaul my Macro book. It won't be easy given how many thing I need macroed. Cures, AoE Cures (Curagas, Cura 3 for the situations it's good) -na spells, important job abilities: the "stance" things like Light Arts and Solace/Misery probably needs to be taken off the macro book and just command lined before a fight. I should probably keep more important JAs at the ready in the book without having to flip through like 2 or more pallettes to get to something important like Divine Caress or Divine Seal (or important stratagems like Accession, which needs to be used for AoE -nas if Seal is on recast.). outside of super important ones, like Haste, etc. buffs should probably for the most part be menu cast or command lined. having a bunch of buffs take up pallette space that could be used to give faster access to critical JAs, standard curing rotation stuff, or -na spells probably need to get removed. I don't need a button on pallette #1 for Protectra and Shellra V, or stuff for Grellow. (I can proc via magic menu or command lining when people aren't dying or dubuffed to hell.)

Just talking about it makes me realize just how disorganized my macro book actually is. maybe after I clean it out and..... simplify it, my curing and ailiment removal speed will pick up? We'll see how it goes.

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