Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bri to the ault

Hey everyone, I'm back from another hiatus, because well, I feel like I still have a duty to fulfill. with Tibs and a lot of other quality WHM gone, (Ghishlain quit, I'm pretty sure Napup is gone too.) I feel like just up and quitting wasn't going to help anyone, after all, I want to do right by Tib's memory and do the job right, unlike so many of those people who level WHM as an afterthought just to gear their DD job through casting haste in delve or whatever. after all, someone has to heal those tough AA fights and shit, and try to be knowledgeable about the most thankless job in vana'diel, so it might as well be me, even thoguh I fully admit that I am not Tibs, or any of those "famous" WHMs, and I could never hope to be. I can just hope to be more knowledgable about this job than most people who just happen to have this job at level 99 and probably full-time a light staff and abyssea gear.

my first few days back weren't going well at all, fish were not biting (particularly fish of the PLD or COR variety) for AA or other high tier battlefields for papers, and I was getting a little discouraged...... BUT THEN

No Vanir body, to be sure, but it's still a fantastic piece of equipment for nearly everything. better idle/rest/refresh piece than gendewitha due to higher evasion/m.evasion/MDB, more INT/MND than gendewitha (important for buffing and other spells that aren't curing magic.) +emfeebling magic skill (yeah +macc would be better, but that's on said coveted Vanir body. but the emfeeble skill is still useful in it's own right!) and the Haste is marginally useful (makes it a pretty nice choice for a clubbing set witht he haste and the evasion/magic evasion/MDB.) the extra HP/MP is just gravy. Gendewitha body still has a niche because of the -Cure cast Time augment making it better for pre-casting cure spells but in all other respects it's just better than Gendewitha. Orison +2 still has to be wore for curing, but for everything else this is fantastic.

Getting this was actually a funny story! I got a little bit depressed that my AA parties were falling apart, so I just hopped on THF and just soloed a bunch of RoE for sparks and made money and just stright up bought the ingot and the papers. ideally as someone wanting to improve my craft as a WHM I would've prefereed getting the rest of the stuff through high tier battlefields but couldn't get the people so I had to take matters into my own hands.

even that was difficult since my THF is horribly gimp to say the least. (and by gimp I mean that the gear is sub-par. no 119 dagger, currently still using Atoyac/Eminent, and TP and WS sets need serious gear improvements. unfortunately all of the awesome THF gear requires me to get into Delve, which I have a hard time getting into it even on WHM! but that might have to do with Haste 2/Indi-Haste being the new hotness and the fact most people don't do Tojil/Shark/Bee anymore compared to Yorcia and such when it comes to Delve. which is gonna make gearing THF hard, unless I wanna I dunno, break down and build Mandau? but that'd be a lot of work and would only solve the weapon problem. but I'm at my wit's end on THF because I already like 0/40 for Leshilonu out of Cirdas Skirmish. which makes me sad because I have translurry waiting for it so if I got it, I'd just need to run Skirmish III to 119 it and hopefully get good wailing stone augs.)

SO my plan is to continue on my present course, keep working on RF +1 (prioritizing the WHM macro pieces I need.) and maybe check out alluvion Skirmish/Incursion soon if possible, and maybe get lucky and get into a delve group, maybe, if the planets align.

Oh yeah there's also those new high-tier Avatar fights, huh? I suppose I'll do a writeup on those drops for WHM in a few days.

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